![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:35 • Filed to: Farewell Jalopnik. | ![]() | ![]() |
REALLY!!! REALLY!!! Jalopnik now says it's O FUCKING K to endorse hookers? WTF?
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:37 |
Dont see any endorsement's for hookers in there, unless reporting on what they're doing qualifies as an 'endorsement'.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:37 |
You sure you know how blogs work? Or journalism, for that matter?
Or ethics and morals, for the hell of it?
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:38 |
Car guys have to get some intimacy somehow.
[sips energy drink]
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:41 |
Are the current channels not good enough for you?
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:41 |
There's not a single word in that post claiming that selling hookers is a bad thing, not a single word saying that we should not encourage shit like this. They might as well claim it's completely fine to buy women. I'm sorry, but I won't deal with Gawker media anymore.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:42 |
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:43 |
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:45 |
Hey now!
Hookers are people too...
Really dirty people.
Who will fornicate and do other things for you.
In exchange for your monies.
Because they don't have souls.
Like ginger kids.
And old women in the grocery store line.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:47 |
Claiming that hookers are bad doesn't mean you are endorsing it. It's called being objective.
Does talking about the Guillotine without holding up a big disclaimer that says I THINK THIS IS BAD mean that I therefore must think it is good?
I could understand it if they ARE endorsing it, but they aren't. They're just not pandering to your beliefs. Grow some balls and stop freaking out.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:47 |
There's a fine line.. but as a journalist you should KEEP that fine line, Jalopnik did NOT do that at this moment.. they actually wrote that article in a way that looks like they think this is a good thing. I will not be a member of a group that thinks this is cool.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:48 |
My problem is that they are NOT being objective at all, the article is written in a way that makes it look like they think this is funny.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:48 |
I don't see where it said these girls were sold to the drive in. Sounds like they chose to work there since they had to apply for a permit. Prostitution is the oldest profession, and it's not going anywhere.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:49 |
Its not the responsibility of gawker (or any media entity) to enforce or agree with your personal moral standards. If your expecting fire and condemnation to accompany all your prostitution related news, then every major media entity on earth can only disappoint you.
Also, trafficking (the purchase of human beings) and prostitution (the selling of sex BY human beings) are not synonymous. Its true that many people are forced into sexual slavery through trafficking, but it is also true that people will choose to become sex workers of their own accord. They arent all slaves.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:50 |
No they didn't, and you're not a member of that group (unless you work for them). You're just a person sitting at a computer reading an article. Don't be offended by a set of, honestly, perfect acceptable words.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:51 |
this wins everything.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:51 |
I think you're replacing the article they wrote with one you created in your mind after reading the headline.
It is objective. It's so obviously objective that I can't understand how you can argue that it isn't. It's probably one of THE MOST objective articles I've seen from gawker.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:52 |
The WRX review where no effort was made to compare to the previous model and he was just bashing bands was the low point IMO.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:52 |
Well then. I'm off. If a blog won't even mention the fact that trafficking is a bad thing when they write about prostitution I won't be a part of that community... sorry.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:54 |
Okay, bye.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:55 |
Two consenting adults can do whatever they please as long as it does not infringe on any one's rights.
This particular program is about making conditions for women SAFER. It does NOT advocating human trafficking. From the article:
"We can't solve the whole problem of exploitation and human trafficking, but at least we want to reduce the harm, especially the violence."
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:55 |
The way I see it they claim the whole thing as a good thing, there's not a single word talking about trafficking (A REAL problem), just stuff making fun of the fact that there's a drive-thru brothel.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:57 |
Where did you find this "We can't solve the whole problem of exploitation and human trafficking, but at least we want to reduce the harm, especially the violence." ?
I can't find that anywhere in the article Jalopnik posted...?
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:58 |
This is sort of like not reading Automatchs posts about car sales anymore because he won't mention how bad it is to steal cars everytime. I mean...no one outside the traffickers think trafficking is a good thing. Shouldnt it go without saying that we all think it is bad?
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:59 |
Improved regulation so women can choose what they do with their bodies with improved safety? Sounds good. Plus, the safer the men feel, the more of them willing to help put food on the tables of these women. Sounds like a great thing to me.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 19:59 |
Yeah, it's in there. You should really read the article.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:00 |
If we all think it's bad, then why won't Jalopnik (as a blog) actually say that they don't encourage that shit then? It'd take them two fucking seconds to ad that as a footnote.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:02 |
Oh THAT part, that's not Jalopnik/Gawker saying anything, that's what the guys who run the fucking place are saying.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:02 |
Okay, but the way you see it is not how it's written . How you see it likewise, should not affect your moral judgement over how someone else wrote it.
Bill O'Reilly didn't write that article, are used to journalists twisting other people's news into serving a political or moral goal of theirs? Because if so, there's plenty of trashy news out there for you. This article was not that.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:02 |
WTF? I mean there are sick people out there who have to pay for companionship. Not my kind of thing, but it is happening. Everywhere, every day. As much as we like to turn a blind eye onto these (disgusting) goings on, they are happening right under our noses.
So why not give these ladies a tiny little bit more of protection? "We can't solve the whole problem of exploitation and human trafficking, but at least we want to reduce the harm, especially the violence."
What is wrong with that?
I know that Germany gets ridiculed for legalizing prostitution, but the general idea wasn't that bad. It is happening anyway, so why not give the sex workers access to health insurance and pension plans?
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:03 |
You do realize that if the article outright condemned a legal trade that it would be subjective, and in no way objective?
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:05 |
My problem is that Jalopnik did not even ONCE mention (as Jalopnik/Gawker) that trafficking is a bad thing. They just made the whole thing seem like a happy go lucky story..
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:06 |
I'm not saying they should do that, I'm saying they should at least have a disclaimer saying that selling humans/trafficking is a bad thing.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:07 |
Which is the point. Jalopnik isn't supposed to say anything, they are reporting what the guys running the place say to us, for us to judge on our own. That's called news.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:10 |
So they should NOT say anything like "we do not endorse human trafficking"?
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:11 |
And why exactly *is* being a hooker a bad thing?
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:12 |
I'm not saying it is, what I'm talking about is trafficking... a HUGE problem..
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:12 |
TIL jalopnik loves whores and is secretly involved in human trafficking.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:13 |
Not what I said mate. What I said is that Jalopnik/Gawker seem to endorse something that makes trafficking easier, but I get it, I'm an idiot.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:14 |
Why? The article involves state-condoned prostitution, not trafficking. This is not a wholesale auction for humans, but rather people paying for services rendered in a controlled area. It goes without saying that human trafficking is a terrible thing, but that's not what's going on here and doesn't need to be addressed as such.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:14 |
They're not supposed to. Sure, they can, but that line isn't a part of the article. That's a disclaimer to prevent idiots from getting the wrong idea and freaking out, threatening to leave. That's not news and it doesn't add anything to the article.
They should not be obligated to express their opinion when they write an article, and its more professional for them not to.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:14 |
Authors (or journalists) are NOT supposed to have opinions. Good reporting is just that: reporting the facts. The READER is supposed to form an opinion, after being better informed by said article.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:15 |
Also. I'd like to add, prostitution is a way of making money like every other job out there. Except you know, they fuck for money and your boss fucks you mentally week after week on your office job and you can't say shit about it.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:17 |
And where exactly does the article condone that?
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:17 |
Jalopnik writes about fast cars that are capable of breaking every speed limit in the world within seconds.
Does that mean Jalopnik endorses speeding and breaking the law every time you get in your car? Go figure..
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:17 |
And how does this protect girls/women who end up being sold against their will? If we acknowledge that it's OK to sell women we also make it easier to force people into this bussiness.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:19 |
There's a differene there, if they write about a guy breaking the speedlimit in the same way, then yes, I'd say they DO endorse it. Don't matter though. I'm off.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:20 |
By NOT adressing that this is a huge problem, in an article that actually IS about selling people.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:20 |
I'm not arguing that point, but no one is selling women, or men, in this case. Trafficking is bad, but you're barking up the wrong tree here as what's happening is not human trafficking.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:21 |
OK, then I'm wrong it seems.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:21 |
"Elaborating on their mission, he added; "We can't solve the whole problem of exploitation and human trafficking, but at least we want to reduce the harm, especially the violence."
& Prostitution is not selling people. It's renting them.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:22 |
See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:23 |
I know it's not, but when you write an article about stuff like this you should say that you don't endorse selling people (at least I think so.)
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:27 |
If you read the article, took it all in, and still feel the same way then you are NOT wrong. But you have formed an opinion, which is the point of any article.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:33 |
I do feel the same way. I do feel that Jalopnik should've made a disclaimer that say they don't endorse trafficking, since that's a huge problem when it comes to prostitution.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:39 |
Don't steal cars...mmmkay?
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:54 |
Do they needs to also declare their distain for rape, murder, grand larceny, child abuse, et. al? I mean, they're clearly a bunch of fucking evil black hearted douchebags, right? Why should we give them the courtesy we'd give any other non-asshole and assume they're against obviously evil things? How do we know that this so called 'Jalopnik' isnt just a front for trafficking german sex slaves into the US from the Nurburgring, huh!? WHERE ARE THE SEX SLAVES, HARDIBIRD
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:59 |
Well the whole thing here is that your argument is invalid. As I see it, here is your argument: Article reports that a regulated brothel opens and makes hooking safer for all parties. Article doesn't mention trafficking is bad. Article condones trafficking.
Comparable argument: Article talks about cars. Article doesn't mention stealing cars is bad. Article condones car theft.
So as I see it, it's invalid. Feel free to tell me your actual argument though since I had to guess.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 20:59 |
Damn, I had my eyes on the yellow C7 Stingray I see everyday at my university.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 21:04 |
I might be wrong here, but the way I see it is as follows; Any article talking about hookers should mention trafficking (it's a HUGE problem, atleast it is in europe) and say that it's not OK. Consent between adults is something else for sure.. but writing an article about selling sex without that disclaimer is not OK in my opinion.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 21:12 |
Right, I made a mess.. I'll admit that, but I still think that one should have some sort of disclaimer when it comes to selling sex.. Not that it matter..
![]() 09/02/2014 at 21:19 |
Ok, so a comparable argument could be about biking in Montreal, where the bike theft rate is apparently 50%.
Argument: Any article talking about biking in Montreal should mention bike theft (it's a huge problem). Consensual sales are something else for sure. Writing an article about biking in Montreal without a disclaimer about bike theft is not OK.
That argument is not valid.
So I do see what you're getting at in an overall sense, I'm just pointing out that it's not Jalopnik's duty to mention it because consensual sales and trafficking are not the same thing, even if related, just as it's not their duty to talk about bike theft in an article about biking in Montreal.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 21:23 |
Bike theft is hardly a problem at all compared to abuse though.
Sure, it's not Jalopniks duty, but why on earth would they even PUBLISH shit like this? Clickbait, that's why... And before anyone says anything, I will leave...
![]() 09/02/2014 at 21:28 |
I haven't read the article but I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks it's not okay to sell people for sex. So much abuse in the prostitution/porn industry I stopped watching hardcore three months ago. Now I can't look at it without feeling sick.
And YES, I acknowledge the fact that there are lots of prostitutes who like or don't mind what they do, but they are generally only brought up by horny dudes who can't or don't want to see the larger point at hand.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 21:33 |
Welcome to the "we all hate you 'cause you're stupid" part of Oppo... Shit like this is what made me lose belief in humanity..
![]() 09/02/2014 at 21:34 |
Yep. Shit like this is why I'm an introverted shut-in.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 21:37 |
Well, I'm shy as fuck, but still the opposite of an introvert. Not sure how that works really. Anyhow, I'd love to teach you how to meet people, but I've got a feeling you're not that close to Norway :P
![]() 09/02/2014 at 21:49 |
Thanks :P Ha, I'm actually not all that shy, but I'm an introvert. I guess I keep to myself but don't find it hard to stick on a mask for people
![]() 09/02/2014 at 21:51 |
You sound somewhat like me :P I keep to myselfm but I am who I am :P
![]() 09/02/2014 at 22:07 |
A lot of people don't realize that "shy" and "introverted" are mutually exclusive.
Shy = having anxiety regarding meeting new people and such.
Introverted = gaining energy by being alone / losing energy by being surrounded by people (the opposite of "Extroverted").
![]() 09/02/2014 at 22:08 |
*runs upstairs, slams the door and blasts My Chemical Romance*
![]() 09/02/2014 at 22:12 |
I guess I'm one that don't quite get it. I'm shy as heck.. but gain a lot of energy when I meet people (I tend to be the one who makes everyone laugh)
![]() 09/02/2014 at 22:12 |
Can you elaborate on the porn industry abuse, preferably with sources?
I'm genuinely curious. I've heard it exists, but I've never really looked into it.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 22:21 |
I think that's totally normal, haha.
I mean that, one can be shy & introverted, shy & extroverted, not shy & introverted, not shy & extroverted, or any gradient or combination thereof.
People just come in many forms, you know?
![]() 09/02/2014 at 22:49 |
You're joking, right? You're just trolling and this is just HAHAHA funny to you, behind your screen, right?
Cause you know, it's a news story and the news is (supposed to be) unbiased. Things happen, they get reported how they happen.
And if you need Jalopnik to tell you not to buy hookers, then you should indeed leave because you need to go buy a life coach to call you at 6am with an itemized list of what not to do that day.
![]() 09/02/2014 at 23:49 |
Did Jalopnik ever have any respect, or integrity? Not in my opinion. They're just another cog in the Gawker machine, and because of that, their main focus is to get you to click on an article.
Also, publicly calling out people who have upset them (me, Victorious Secret), is pathetic, and an"Editor" should never do that, ever. I don't care if Jalopnik is a blog, they're cited by other major sources, and they should have a little bit more integrity.
![]() 09/03/2014 at 00:19 |
So, you're saying more a rental than a sale.
![]() 09/03/2014 at 10:41 |
Jalopnik need to straighten the fuck up if you ask me. I may have over reacted a tad yesterday, but I'm still not sure if I want to be a part of this... I do think Oppo is a great place though, and most people here are nice.. so..
![]() 09/03/2014 at 12:53 |
A bit of an irrational reaction, I have to say.
![]() 09/03/2014 at 14:10 |
This is completely stupid. That is like the news reporting the beheading of the reporters, and thinking the news condones ISIS because they didn't specifically tell you this is a bad thing. Grow up, dude.
![]() 09/03/2014 at 16:07 |
You probably did overreact a little, but ever since Matt called me out, and then called VS out, I lost what little respect I had. I just can't believe an Editor would do that kind of thing, it's pathetic. I only go to Jalopnik to find some news every once I a while. I don't read any of their reviews (there "system" is so stupid, and makes for horrible reading), or take any of their opinions seriously.
![]() 09/03/2014 at 18:49 |
Sure thing. I've watched a lot of hardcore porn in my time (up until a few months ago) - probably days' worth of time logged. Some of it is classy, real classy. Some of it, you can tell that the actress (because that's what it usually is) does just plain not want to be there. Without sounding too dramatic, you can see the pain and humiliation on their faces. And the people behind it can use blackmail, manipulation and drugs to keep people in the business.
Another thing: look at some famous porn stars' backgrounds. For example, Jenna Jameson, said to be the "Queen of Porn", was gangraped when she was 16 and worked as a stripper when she was 18. Incidentally, she was also entered into beauty pageants as a little kid. Same with Traci Lords: raped when she was ten.
Some links.
(no sources here but it seems likely to me. take it as you will:)
I don't deny that there are porn stars and porn producers who care about being non-abusive, but the truth is, there is a large amount of it in the industry, and every time one watches porn or logs onto Porntubezzers, one inadvertently supports the industry. Long story short, it's good to stick to softcore, or if you must, Scandinavian hardcore (I know it sounds weird but Sweden makes some pretty classy porn as far as that kind of stuff goes).
I don't like knowing a lot about this bullshit, but it messes me up inside, so yeah.
![]() 09/03/2014 at 22:54 |
Thanks for the insight.
![]() 09/04/2014 at 11:45 |
It is funny because now getting a hooker is as easy as a burger—and there is nothing wrong with writing an article about something that is legal elsewhere. Plenty of American's write articles about weed, which is not legal in most places, without ever stating that there's a potential that weed can be addictive or harmful to your health...
![]() 09/04/2014 at 11:49 |
Because why should they? That's like saying they must put a disclaimer on every article written about a car that can exceed US speed limits—"By having finished this article, you still understand that speeding is illegal and in most states the 65mph mark is as fast as you should go," even if they did not write about going fast.
While they do not specifically state that sex-trafficing is a horrible tragedy in our world, they do present you with facts showing that, maybe, if this brothel is successful, it may help to curb "streetwalkers" and turn "buying sex" into a way more acceptable business, and one that is not full of girls whom are trafficked.
![]() 09/04/2014 at 13:33 |
Too soon for Patrick George... Too soon...
![]() 09/04/2014 at 13:59 |
it seems like they are trying to reduce the violence/human traffic side of it and make it safer for the workers to render their services. Now there are a lot of moral issues with the services rendered that I can understand, but they aren't buying people at the drive thrus, just the services as far as I can tell. You can't really say that trying to make something safer is really that bad.
![]() 09/04/2014 at 14:08 |
I can't believe they mentioned the new Fit's cupholders without condemning exploitation in coffee production.
![]() 09/04/2014 at 14:11 |
I know.. as I stated in my apology ( found here ) I blew things way out of proportions.
It's just that I can't stand when people abuse other people. Combine that with my triggerhappy brain and a non-native grasp of the Queens English shit like this happens.
![]() 09/04/2014 at 14:16 |
fair enough, carry on.
![]() 09/04/2014 at 16:08 |
Ladies and gentleman, this is what someone who is butthurt looks like.
![]() 09/04/2014 at 16:13 |
Nope, not butthurt. Having issues perhaps? Yeah, I'll admit that.
This is how a complete and utter failure looks like? Yup, I'll admit that as well.
Did I overreact? SIR, YES SIR. And I'll be the first to admit that.
Am I human or am I prancer? Who the fuck knows :)
![]() 09/04/2014 at 16:44 |
No Jez-baiting, please.
The best systems are where prostitution itself is legal, but other activities that surround it are illegal (pimping, others living off their earnings, streetwalking, etc). That way, only the prostitutes themselves benefit from it all, rather than the evil violent pimps that steal their money.
In fact, those pimps are directly the result of prostitution being illegal (the hookers won't rat them out to da cops because they'd be incriminating themselves in the process and thus subjecting themselves to jail and shit).
Rhode Island did it right (from 1980-2009).
![]() 09/04/2014 at 16:49 |
Ive already said I'm sorry, I made a huge deal out of nothing. How do people end up here? It's been two days since I wrote this, this shit should be waaaay down on the list of stuff posted on Oppo.
And yeah, I do agree with you.
![]() 09/04/2014 at 16:55 |
Sorry, I didn't notice the date; I had just found it on the left sidebar today.
![]() 09/04/2014 at 16:57 |
No need to be sorry mate :) I just wondered why people keep commenting on my shitty post.
![]() 09/04/2014 at 21:41 |
Because of how shitty it was.
I almost never comment, but a post as shitty as yours warranted an exception.
![]() 09/05/2014 at 00:10 |
Good. If you're going to be a bitch about everything, we don't you here anyways.
Stop polluting my Oppo.
![]() 09/05/2014 at 10:31 |
Definitely human.
![]() 09/05/2014 at 11:46 |
![]() 09/05/2014 at 14:11 |
Oh come on...there are at least 30 states wherein it's common knowledge that saying the word S-E-X causes teen pregnancy.